Abitha’s Oil Book – U

The oil formulas that we use in the shop are from not only my family’s (blood and chosen) but other prominent practitioners throughout the years.

Today is the U section of Abitha’s Oil Definitions Book.

Purpose/Ritual Oils & Their Uses


Ultimate Destruction- To tear apart the fabric of someone’s life.

Uluru Layer Rock- Sleeping place for the rainbow serpent. Australia aboriginal ancestor guide through dreamtime.

Uncrossing (Abitha’s) – Change your luck; Remove negative things others have put on you.

Uncrossing- Remove negative things others have put on you.

Understanding- Helps each other hear the communication.

Unfaithful- To turn your mate to being more faithful.

Unforgiving- To force one to “forgive and forget”.

Unhexing – Remove jinxes, hexes, curses sent to you; Remove negative things others have put on you.

Unicorn- protection-fantasy.

Untruthful- Helps one be truthful in a situation.

Uranus – Hide your secrets from others; be more open in your relations with others; new ideas and     inventions.

Uriel- Helps relieve panic attacks and transmute that energy into positive.

Ursula (Slavic) – Moon Goddess. Feast day Oct. 21st.  Saint Ursula, Guardian of young women, bestowing strength and confidence.