More Kitchen Witchery

Kitchen Witchcraft, also known as Cottage Witchcraft, combines hearth and home with magic and enchantment. The lines between the magic and the mundane are blurred as the Witch brings magic into everyday life and everyday chores. It’s not very ceremonial in nature; it’s about putting that spark of magic into everything as you go about Read More …

Kitchen Witchery

A Kitchen Witch is a Witch who focuses their magical practice on the home and hearth and uses things commonly found in the kitchen as magickal tools. Kitchen Witchery may be an expression of religious faith; a Kitchen Witch may focus his or her spirituality on ancestor spirits or hearth Gods or Goddesses, or it Read More …

Working with the Days of the Week

To do this, we start at the beginning. Sunday: Sunday corresponds to the sun, our closest star. This day is full of wonder and all sorts of magical potential for success, wealth, and fame. Sundays are for personal achievements of any kind such as working towards a promotion at your job, seeking fame and wealth, Read More …

Moon Cycles and Meanings

The Moon represents powerful feminine energy. It signifies wisdom, intuition, birth, death, reincarnation, and a spiritual connection. The cycle of the Moon is similar to the cycle of a seed: the seed grows into a flower, then blooms, and then dies. Once we are attuned to the Moon, we can activate her innate powers The Read More …

Color Meanings

For centuries candles of different colors have been burned to attract desired emotions, material wealth, or karma. Candles can be one of the most effective tools used for meditation, rituals and other ceremonies. The size of the candles you use is not important. It is the color and its meaning that matters! Only fresh candles Read More …

Before Fortune-Telling: The History and Structure of Tarot Cards

Visconti-Sforza Tarot  Year: c. 1425 Country of Origin: Italy Artist: Bonifacio Bembo (attributed) Designer: N/A Medium: hand-painted with oil paint, gold, and silver on heavy paper photo source: The Visconto-Sforza are the oldest tarot cards in the world. Thirty-five cards remain of this beautiful deck, which is remarkable when we consider their age and the delicate nature of the paper they were painted on. It Read More …

The Dark Side of Astral Projections

Many people will not even try to leave their bodies and start exploring a higher realm due to the possible astral projection dangers. When you separate from your body, the first emotion you’re going to feel is fear. You are exploring something unknown and you don’t know what can happen. And, so many people who Read More …