Abitha’s Oil Book

The oil formulas that we use in the shop are from not only my family’s (blood and chosen) but other prominent practitioners throughout the years.

Today is the N section of Abitha’s Oil Definitions Book.

Purpose/Ritual Oils & Their Uses


#20 Love – Used by men, for many sexual encounters. Prostitutes use it to get more money from men.

Namoi – Business and financial success.

Nature – Increase vigor and virility; fulfill any requirements of a sexual situation.

Nefertiti (Egyptian Goddess)Burn on a figure candle to control and dominate your lover.

Nemesis (Wiccan) – Defeat/overcome an enemy; to nullify an enemy’s power.

Neptune – Protection on the water; calm turbulence and upheaval of unleashed passion & rage.

Nergal- Lord of the underworld, deliverance from hardships, transformation, and retribution.

Nervous/Quieting- Calming-relaxing/ induce deeper meditation.   

Netra – Strong uncrossing blessing. USE WITH CAUTION!!

Netzach (The Tree of Life) – To bring abundance to one’s life.

Never Forget Me – One’s mate/ lover will think of you even when you’re not together.

Never Leave Me – Keep your lover/mate with you. Giving them no desire to leave.

New Beginnings – Start a new life, a new love affair.

New Life – Wash away past failures, regrets, and guilt, bad vibrations; Start fresh with renewed hope.

Newgrange- Changing, recycling, and generous spirals of abundance. Abundant nature of earth.

New Orleans (Haitian) – Attract love, money, luck, good fortune.

Night of Love – Create an atmosphere of passionate lovemaking all night long.

Night Queen Musk- Mood enhancer; great to use when attempting to arouse sensuality.

Night Spell- Irresistible to one’s lover.

Nightmare #9 – Dispel nightmares; quiet, peaceful sleep.

Nimue – Discover the meanings of your dreams.

Nine African Powers – Protection from witchcraft; Stop curses from reaching you.

Nine Indian Money Fruits (Brujeria) – Draw great abundance into your life; opportunities and success.

Nine Mystery – Excellent for overcoming home/business troubles. Use to gain secret knowledge.

Nino Fidencio – Powerful healer; disperses evil spells.

Nirvana – Helps communicate with departed loved ones.

No Hex – If you feel you have a hex and it is making you sick, anoint and burn a black or white candle to remove it.

Nuada (Sun God) – To give one strength to take on a war/battle.

Nu’ut – Achieve the impossible; manifest your dreams.

Nyx – Goddess of the night. Can be used in cleansing, protection, awareness of self, fertility, psychic dreams, and astral travel and for rituals at midnight or when it is a moonless night along with nightmares, mystery, dreams, darkness and night.