Astral Travel Correspondences

There a several corresponding things that go along with Astral Projection and by tapping in and using them they can help strength your travel, add guidance, protection, and more energetic experience.


Violet ~ clairvoyance, relief of emotional hurt, spiritual protection, heal wounded pride, spirituality, wisdom, increasing psychic powers, meditation, justice, forgiveness, humility, the occult, hidden forces, secret dealings, memory, intelligence, communication, intelligence, education, correspondences, messages, students, merchants, editing, writing, advertising, contracts, kinship, ambition, progress, visiting friends, astrology.


Benzoin- Purification of space, aids transitions, business prosperity, astral protection, focus enhancer.

Cinnamon -One of the longest used spices for cooking, healing and spiritual aspects. It is great for protecting, drawing money and success, inspiring love and passion and increasing psychic awareness and raising vibrations.

Jasmine- Prosperity, love, prophetic dreams, lunar magick, psychic clarity.


Neptune- Neptune rules the imagination, dreams and visions and their expression through art, dance, music, poetry, etc. In a personal chart, Neptune can point to areas where a person may have problems seeing through illusion as well as where someone will find their best creative expression. Those who have a strong Neptune influence may have a spiritual calling or be drawn toward mysticism.


Meteorite- Has the potential to open up new levels of awareness.


Clear Quartz- Stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is powerfully protective because of these properties. Clear Quartz also enhances psychic abilities.

Tourmalated Quartz- Encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body. This protective field of energy fills your auric field and shields you from harm.

Opal- For “gazing” and to stimulate visions from within the realms of eternity.


Dittany of Crete- Helping with seeing the third eye. Astral projection.

Mugwort- An herb of journeys, facilitating travel in the physical or astral realms.

Poplar- Practitioners who astral travel use Poplar leaves as an aid along with adding poplar to flying ointments. The Poplar spirit is a keen guide into the world of divination and seeing true, as well as a bridge-builder between Earth and Spirit realms.