Abitha’s Oil Book

The oil formulas that we use in the shop are from not only my family’s (blood and chosen) but other prominent practitioners throughout the years.

Today is the K section of Abitha’s Oil Definitions Book.

Purpose/Ritual Oils & Their Uses


Ka’ahupahau (Hawaiian) – Guards the shape shifting ability of the inner voyager. Changes from maiden to sharkaumakua.

Kabala- Use during solitary meditation to help with grounding, clearing, and alignment.

Kahuna Kupua (Hawaiian) – Harmony; co-operation; heal arguments, etc.

Kali (Madre Negrito) – Destroyer; Reincarnation.

Kali #2- New beginnings; rebirth.

Kali-Ma (Dark Mother) – Communing with the past; Reincarnation; Awareness; Destroyer.

Kanaloa (Hawaiian) – Surfer God of the Sea/ Companion to Kane. Adventure; enlightenment; protection.

Kanewahine (Hawaiian (Kane) – Life-force of sunlight; fresh waters and wind. A true friend; Companion of Kanaloa.

Kapua- Master many pathways to self-awareness and inner harmony.

Karma – Helps strengthen one’s luck. Clears away negative vibrations.

Keep Away Enemies – Protect your person and property from unwanted individuals.

Keep Away Enemies #2- (Stay Away) – To keep those who wish you and your family harm away, even if the family is not “together”.

Keep Away Evil – Free the home of sinister forces; Keep the evil away from yourself and your                                          family.

Keep Away Hate – Turn hate to friendship.

Keep Away Spirits – Keep bad spirits from your home.

Keep Away Trouble – Keep the wrong kind of people away from you and your family, etc.

Kether- Mystical: God: the beginning- spiritual influence.

Kether #2- First Sephiroth: Crown the ultimate of achievement.

Khus Khus – Makes one irresistible to opposite sex. Increase sales in business.

Kilauea (Hawaiian) – Home of the fire goddess, Pele. Stokes and banks the embers of human commitment and passion.

Kindly Spirit – Help and protection.

King – Used by males. Find a better job. Improve love making ability.

King Arthur – Prosperity; Companionship; Rebirth; Renewal after tragedy

King David – Power and influence.

King Midas – Remember – everything Midas touched turned to gold.

King of the Woods – Used by men who seek female companionship; male fertility; Dominate women.

King Solomon – Protection-wisdom-love-psychic.

Knowledge- to help one concentrate while studying.

Kore (Kor-ee) – Women use this for many sexual encounters; Very strong attraction; prostitutes like this.

Ku- Great Masculine ancestor spirit as seen in the rising sun. Awaken imagination and its healing potential.

Kukulacan/Quetzacoatl (Ancient Mayan) – Psychic powers; protection, healing; sends information needed in dreams.

Kundalini – Fire energy, Mars, sexual, snake energy.

Kwan-Yin (Buddhist) – Manifestation of our desire; Fertility; Fulfillment.

Kyoto – Change your luck. Create a more interesting life.

Kyphi – Use to attract good spirits for business, money, etc. Good for night rituals. Also, very good for banishing negativity.